My Mum told me about something she'd seen on Pinterest. It said "I hope you step on a Lego." It was like somebody had just summed up my day in seven words. Damn Lego.
If you were my enemy, I would let you step on Lego, I would watch and hope that it got you in the most tender part of your foot. I have yet to identify an enemy, but if you are out there, you had better watch out, I will lay the Lego out!
In saying that... my kids need to step on Lego, just once so they know how it feels. Do I class my children as the enemy? maybe! In the middle of the night, in a mad dash to the toilet, and every sharp toy or object is lying in my pathway to the bathroom, for sure, they are enemy number one, and sadly, my kids seem to be winning our imaginary war. Maybe I just give up too easily, It doesn't seem to matter how many times I've threatened to throw it away, or pull their ears if they don't look after their Lego, there is always just ONE piece left out. The sharpest piece.
Vacuming my lounge today, I sucked up close to 20 pieces of the twins beloved Lego, the tiniest pieces that my boys love to build with. Normally I would bend down and pick them up, put them back in the tin, but not today, today I was channeling my Father who always said to us, if its on the floor, its in the bin. I remember my dad forever throwing away toys or stationery that was lying around the house, if he should see a tennis ball in the lounge he would chuck it, then not tell us that he had done this while we would search for our tennis ball, sad guy knew he had thrown it out, but wouldn't even make a smirk or a sound.
So it goes, with every other thing my children own, pens, pencils, rubbers, lego, hair ties, hair clips, loom bands, earrings and bobby pins, they too now just get sucked up the vacum cleaner. I used to care, but now I don't, maybe it's age (it is definitely age) and I think my back is too lazy to bend down and pick up all this crap on the floor everyday.
Cue one hour later... my boys are asking where the missing bits of Lego is, I mumbled an admission of vacuming them up, only to be reprimanded by two 9 year olds "Mum they're my Star Wars Lego, you cant just vacum it up!" "naw mum why'd you do that for" "ohh that's the bit that connects the other bit" CARE!!
So I pulled the bagless vacuum cleaner out, sat it on the table outside and made them search through it for their Lego, they washed them, dried them, then said sorry for leaving them out. My boys don't do dirt, they do minecraft, comic books and Lego, always happy to play outside, but not in the dirt, not vacum cleaner dirt anyway!. I think digging around in dust for 15 minutes may have made them slightly more careful about where they put their stuff.
John had the nerve to say to me the other day that I was too soft on the kids. I could've hit him on the back of the head, but instead I just sulked. I am not soft, the percentage of my day that is spent instructing (yelling) guiding (growling) and nurturing (screaming) is probably close to 70%. Factor in that I have Seven kids, that is only 10% of my day allocated to 'instructing' each child, I think that's not so bad.
My brothers can tell you a story about a guitar that got smashed to pieces 20 years ago because we were fighting over it. Funny because neither of us actually knew how to play the guitar, and I was prob just being a bitch by fighting for it, (Sorry Lee) but obviously my loving Samoan father had had enough of our bickering and picked up the guitar and broke it right in front of us. I can still see it and see the shock on my brothers face, maybe I'm laughing now, but if John did something like that, I would be so mad at him. Did it teach us a lesson, hell yeah, don't fight in front of Dad and if we are going to fight then fight quietly! But would doing something like that to my kids teach them a lesson? I don't know, I threaten alot, and confiscate toys if they fight over them, but I don't really know what else to do to be harder. I try not to be like my dad and turn everything into a traumatic memory, but in turn, some days feel like the battles being won by a bunch of kids that know how to con their mum all day long, then kiss me and hug me and love me right before bed time. Biggest con of all is making me feel good before they sleep, probably just so that I'll get up and make their lunch the next day.
To be honest. If you know me, you know that I am the biggest push over. My kids know it too. I see reason before I see anger. I can see your point of view before I get angry at you, and that is why my kids get away with too much, they give me their reasons for everything, they know that I will listen and most likely agree with them. It doesn't mean that I don't have my 'you better bloody move' face, that usually only needs to be used in public or when we have visitors. they know that if i make that face, eyes wide and raise my eyebrows, oh and if a finger is being pointed, then you had better bloody move. I love stories of when you are trying to keep a child quiet, they're acting up, you pinch them then they say loudly "why'd you pinch me forrrrrr."
Once we were sitting at a table at Sizzlers, and Levi was leg distance away from me, he started playing the whinging game, so I kicked him under the table, he then turned to my dad, and said in the quietest voice "Papa, my mum just kicked me."
You could say my Dad didn't look too impressed.
Another battle lost...
I can't even describe the number of times I repeat myself. every day I wake up and say the same things. Get ready, have you eaten, get ready, get up, move it, make your lunch, put your jumper on, get ready, brush your teeth, pack your bag, shoes on, shoes ON, we're going, bye, love you, have a good day.....and that's just me talking to John.
I suppose you could turn it around, I also hear the same things every morning. Morning mum, Morning mum, Morning mum, Can I... Can I ... Can I....Can you ... Can you.. Can you.. I need... I need... I need..... or my favourite, "I can't find my...." no no, this is my fav .."My teacher said that...." I love to be reminded of all my failures, especially via your teacher.
I guess it would be okay if it ended when they went off to school, but Fellyn is home with me, so it just continues all day long. She will yell my name like she's hurting while sitting on the toilet, then as soon I get to her, she's like, "It's alright, I got it." Lately its been weird things like "Mum, my legs are soo hungry." or if I ask her to do something, she will say "but my leg doesn't want to, my leg is busy." ???? I don;t even know what to say to that.
Okay this is off track but I took Fellyn to the supermarket, we are buying meat and I said to her, "Do you like sausages." She said "Yep, do you like sausages mum." I said "yep" then she stood up in the trolley and and said with her hands out in the air, "you must be a sausage lover mum!"
Couldn't even be angry because I was too busy laughing.
The battle to maintain dignity in public. Lost to a three year old.
How can standing on a piece of Lego make you question your parenting skills? If I was harder on the kids, then the Lego would not have been there, and the gigantic dent in the sole of my foot wouldn't exist. But If I am harder on the kids, then 100 % of my day will become a huge battle. I don't know if my head/heart is up to being that person. I've always said, you pick your battles, especially with kids, and even more with teenagers. some things you have to let fly, because the other option will do more harm than good. It doesn't mean that there aren't already rules in place, if those are broken then my kids know whats up, but everyday brings something different, different problems, different solutions, and I'm trying to be flexible, but firm, but still try to listen to them, but maintain the discipline. One thing you can guarantee, is that I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm winging it big time, going on instinct, relying on John to be the bad guy, relying on my girls to give me my sanity back at the end of my week (raise my glass to them) and just taking it all as it comes.
I hope that one day, when you step on a piece of Lego you think of me and my lack of mean mummy antics, and you will know that that piece of Lego in your foot means you are a soft touch like me :)